The Center for Young People’s Integration in Bacau

Betania Association has started the project for the integration of young people in 1998. It was one of the first projects of the organization.

The  Center  for  Young  People’s  Integration aims  at  the  social  integration  of  the  young  people discharged from the placement centers and the integration in the community of  the troubled young people. This project is designed for young girls who were protected by the Bacau General Direction for Social Welfare and Child Protection, and those who are in a risky situation.

The Center for Young People’s Integration provides a stable environment for a period of 1 – 2 years, for  young girls aged 16 years.  They have the opportunity of  forming  and developing  their  daily life skills, their work capacities and skills and cultivating their communication and interrelation skills. The Center’s capacity is 22 places in 3 family type houses. They are made of a living room, kitchen, two bathrooms and four bedrooms.

In addition, the Center has a tailor’s workshop, where those interested can learn this profession. The admission  of  young  girls  in  the  Integration  Center  is  concluded  by  signing  a  program  acceptance agreement. Its beneficiaries are not a stable group for a definite period. Once the important steps are taken for the social integration of part of the young girls, they leave the center and others take their place.

In the first 6 months, the beneficiaries of the project get all the center services for free. In the next period, the beneficiaries support half of the rent and then, in the last period of their stay in the center, they pay the full rent.

The project objectives are: development of life skills in young teens from foster homes and those in difficulty; continuation of studies, qualification, requalification and vocational integration of young girls; social integration and socialization; development of a proper attitude towards work; implementation of an  accommodation  system  for  young  girls  in  order  to  prepare  them  for  an  independent  living; implementation of a system of professional support, training and retraining of young girls to find a job.


From its establishment up to the present time, the Center for Young People’s Integration has provided accommodations,  jobs,  an  opportunity  to  continue  the  studies  and  to  have  a  decent  living  for  226 young girls with ages between 16 and 26 years.

The Center for Young People’s Integration
str. Nordului 19 bis, Bacãu, 600241, România
tel. : +40 234 586.002 | fax: 0234 206.016
e-mail :

more images about this project: Click here


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